We’re offering a limited number of places for a few full-day exclusive masterclasses in the lead-up to the conference.
£395+VAT per workshop. Attendees receive complimentary entrance to the dConstruct conference.
Workshops will be taking place at: Clearleft Suite 3, 28 Kensington Street, Brighton, BN1 4AJ, UK. Map.
Workshops start promptly at 10:00am. Please arrive at 9:30am for coffee and registration.
03 Sep | Managing Community, by Design | Lane Becker,Thor Muller &Leslie Chicoine |
03 Sep | Wireframing Web 2.0 for Design and Definition | Richard Rutter & James Box |
04 Sep | Scaling your Design with your Community | Daniel Burka &Mark Trammell |
04 Sep | Social Design: from Strategy to Interface | Joshua Porter |
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the rise of the social Web, it’s that all sites have communities whether they realize it or not. Sites that do realize this, however, tend to do a whole lot better than sites that don’t. The success (or failure) of your site has everything to do with how and why the community around it forms.
Fortunately, we’ve learned a lot about the mechanics of how and why community happens, which go well beyond just the interaction and visual design of your site. In this workshop, Leslie, Lane, and Thor, who have years of experience at the intersection of user experience, design, and community, will walk you through examples and exercises designed to answer the questions you need to ask about organizational goals, community management style, internal team structure, and the design choices you need to make in order to bring all those together.
Some of what we’ll cover will include:
Led by: Lane Becker,Thor Muller and Leslie Chicoine
Modern websites and applications are demanding richer, more nuanced forms of interaction, content and engagement. These pose new challenges for today’s designer. Wireframes are evolving into the ideal tool for defining, designing and documenting these challenges, and this workshop will show you how.
Perfect for user experience designers, information architects, visual designers, front-end coders or producers, we’ll cover the following topics:
Throughout the workshop we’ll be designing a set of wireframes for the latest and greatest social network. It’ll be fun and by the end of the workshop you will have learned how to use wireframes a design aid, a documentation methodology and a usability tool. You will have gathered best practices for using wireframes in your process, best bets for efficient use of wireframes and a whole host of design tips along the way.
Led by: Richard Rutter and James Box
Scaling is of particular importance in social sites where your community can grow (and contract) rapidly. As your site expands, you’re going to face many issues you might not have encountered before. Your design will need to handle increased content input by users; to adjust to demands of an ever-growing and demanding user-base; and to technically manage site performance. Daniel and Mark each have experience developing sites that have successfully scaled over time and will be able to knowledgeably discuss handling massive community input, adapting your design over time, using technical tricks to increase performance, and enabling both new and existing users to participate as communities evolve.
This workshop aims to cover the following discussion points
Led by: Daniel Burka and Mark Trammell
Have you decided to leverage the social interaction of your audience to provide more and better value but aren’t sure where to start or how to move forward? In this workshop, Joshua Porter will show you how to outline a social design strategy and then translate that strategy directly into design.
This hands-on workshop will be organized around several exercises:
During the workshop teams will create actual screen designs from scratch. Even if you’re not an interface designer, this workshop will help you get your team on the same page with the same priorities.
During the day, Josh will share stories from Facebook, Digg, Amazon and others, showing how their interfaces have evolved over time according to lessons they’ve learned. He’ll help you avoid the mistakes that have plagued the early innovators in social design. He'll also describe core psychological research studies that can help point the way toward better social design.
After attending this workshop, you’ll be able to articulate a social design strategy and then design interfaces that directly support it.
Led by: Joshua Porter
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information pack (4.5Mb PDF)